Channeling Sara Moulton

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How to Write/Publish a Cookbook Panel

Sometimes (Always? I’m going with always) life is full of curve balls.

I write this flying home from a wonderful first time Food and Wine Conference, created by Isabel Laessig of Family Foodie and Sunday Supper, in Orlando, and the past 36 hours did not all go as expected.

The first day went brilliantly. The panel I was on (How to Write/Publish  a Cookbook) was quite good, nice audience participation, and my smart co-panelists were all old cookbook veteran friends, including the venerable Sara Moulton, who I have known for a long time, and admired for even longer. Attending the rest of the panels I learned a ton. Really a ton. SEO stuff, marketing stuff, wine stuff; it was a conference filled with smart presenters, like Michael Green and Dan Cristo, and Jeff Houck. The vibe was one of overall generosity and goodwill, and it was fresh and energetic.


So then right before dinner, I got pulled aside with a question. Had I talked to Isabel? “No, why?”

Sara was to host the  big cooking demo demonstration in the a.m., bright and early. But after leaving our panel, awful news had landed in her lap: her mom was ill, and she was racing to the airport to get back to New York. Having just been though the like, my first reaction was pretty visceral. I wished I could have been with her in the car and rested my hand on her back. Those kinds of calls; the worst.

And then the question: Would I do the cooking demo in her place? Well, um, sure, of course, I mean, yeah, yes.

But here’s the good news. I actually saw Sara do her “How to Host a Perfect Cooking Demonstration” presentation about a year and a half ago. Right before my book got published, before I ever did my first cooking demo in my whole life, before I hit the road for a 20-plus city book tour. She was a master, maybe the master. Ironically, that same day at lunch, I had chatted with her about this very demo and how influential it was. I told her my the biggest takeaway was not really what she said, but what I learned by watching her on stage: the most important thing is to really make sure you engage with the audience, and make sure everyone, including you, is having a good time. And from there, I have jerkily made my way into something resembling a comfort zone.

So, I set my alarm for early, got the recipes just before, and after digesting what I was going to make (CREPES? TEMPURA? Oh, thank God we’re not making  a soufflé) I took several of the deepest breaths in the world and walked in front of the conference.

I remembered how impressed I was when I saw Sara bring up people from the audience, and pull them into the action. I liked how she asked the audience questions. How she admitted when she wasn’t sure about something. How she walked around on stage. How she explained what she was doing, told anecdotes, made everyone feel so comfortable, didn’t talk down to anyone, made everything seem approachable. The concrete advice. The true listening. The smile.

Well, I’ve been doing this for over a year now, but I am no Sara Moulton. So I channeled her, and layered on my own, uh, irreverentness? I re-titled the presentation “How to Host a Pretty Good Cooking Demonstration.”  I may have sworn once or twice, nothing bad. I may have spoken a few times on purpose to the microphone in my cleavage, as though it was a special audience. I told everyone to get a manicure, and to avoid setting themselves on fire. I might have even forgotten to batter the first batch of shrimp tempura. But people laughed, and asked questions, and chimed in, and it was good. I actually really like being thrown in the deep end.

I wish Sara and her family were not going through a hard time, and my thoughts are with them. But I do want her to know that she continues to teach and send many of us on our way. I am but one of those people, and, Sara, your considerable ripple effect ripples on.

About Katie Workman

Katie Workman is a cook, a writer, a mother of two, an activist in hunger issues, and an enthusiastic advocate for family meals, which is the inspiration behind her two beloved cookbooks, Dinner Solved! and The Mom 100 Cookbook.

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  1. When I Blink says:

    I absolutely adore Sara Moulton. When I was a young 20-something, I’d come home from work exhausted at the end of the day and turn on her “Cooking Live” show. I swear I learned half of what I know about cooking from her. She’s so down to earth, and I always loved it when she’d spill something or burn something and just keep right on going. How neat that you have gotten to know her!

    1. Katie Workman says:

      She is the real deal. Talented, smart, and nice.

  2. Betsy Cohen says:

    Your quick wit and humor kept everyone captivated.

    The only thing you need to do differently next time is remane your demonstration, “How To ROCK A Cooking Demonstration” because that is what you did!

    1. Katie Workman says:

      Thank you so much Betsy!

  3. Nikki says:

    Thank you, thank you, Katie! I’ve seen demos, done demos, but never have I ever made crepes in front of people and you handled that demo with so much fun and aplomb, I bow to you. I am inspired to make and fill crepes now! Now to find a nice, seasoned pan…

    1. Katie Workman says:

      I know, I think I am rediscovering crepes for myself, too!Thanks, Nikki.

  4. Krayl @ An Appealing Plan says:

    Your Demo was great Katie. I learn more than a few tips that i know I will be able to use. Sara would have been proud and laughing with us all.

    1. Katie Workman says:

      it couldn’t have happened without your hair elastic!

  5. Krayl @ An Appealing Plan says:

    Your Demo was great Katie. I learn a few tips that i know I will be able to use. Sara would have been proud and laughing with us all.

  6. Marjory @ Dinner-Mom says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation and advice…even more so knowing the circumstances. Great job!

    1. Katie Workman says:

      thanks so much.

  7. Lane @ Supper for a Steal says:

    Your demo was great. Who needs the extra calories from that beer batter anyways?

    1. Katie Workman says:

      I actually really want to make them for reals in my own kitchen – and the crepes!

  8. Family Foodie says:

    The ripple is already reaching Tampa Bay! Thank you for everything that you did to make this conference special. I learned to much from you from watching you this weekend…. most of all, never lose your sense of humor. You Rocked that Demo!

    1. Katie Workman says:

      You put together a great conference Isabel, and I was proud to be a part of it. You also have a great family.